North Shore Getaway

Situated in a tightly organized seaside residential neighborhood and fit within the zoning envelope and roof line of a previous residential structure and garage on the property, this home was completely rebuilt, along with the surrounding landscape. New exterior finishes, doors, and windows allow the interiors of the house to “breathe” and connect directly with the spectacular beauty of the surrounding property. Stone-framed terraces added on all sides of the house raise the ground, allowing activities to flow easily between inside and out. An electric ground-source heat pump geothermal system and a tight building envelope keep the home comfortable year-round in spite of the exposed setting.

Landscape Architect
Steve Stimson Associates
Interior Designer
Andra Birkerts Design
Eric Roth & Neil Alexander
custom wood molding Marks Marks Marks Marks

Thoughtforms’ Workshop

Our shop is located in an old apple barn adjacent to our office. It’s a place that inspires creativity, grounded in yankee sensibility. Take a look at the Shop portfolio to get a sense of their craft.

Look Inside