The recipe for success isn't a secret
Hiring a general contractor can be a scary proposition. You are trusting a stranger to be responsible for building or renovating your house to the highest standards and to act as a custodian of your money and time, ensuring that purchases are wisely made and subcontracts are carefully considered.
When Thoughtforms is hired, we begin estimating and evaluating the project with an in-depth, comprehensive, and legible estimate. We become part of the team at any stage (the sooner the better, we believe) and establish ourselves as a resource for the client and architect.
When the plans are finished and construction begins, a full-time supervisor and part-time project manager are assigned to the job. The supervisor is the central person building the house, overseeing the subcontractors and planning and coordinating the work. The project manager handles the administrative issues: budgets, schedules, change orders, requisitions. Regular weekly meetings are held at the jobsite where all issues of money, schedule, conflicts, and problems are openly discussed. The architect, client, and builder are usually at these meetings. Sometimes a consultant or subcontractor will be invited. Meeting notes are taken and tasks are assigned. The meetings keep everyone informed and foster a discipline of accountability.
Whether you think of Thoughtforms as a general contractor, a building contractor, a construction manager, or a custom home builder, in actuality what we do is set up a coordinated, clear, system for communication and construction. Our business is totally transparent. Our process is designed to keep our clients informed.

Assembling Your Team
While it ultimately comes down to trust, you’ll need to make decisions about bidding and contracts as well.

Avoiding Pitfalls
Money and communication: the seductive nature of low bids and the language of plans and specifications.